tl;dr Google scholar page
W. Lowe ‘Arch enemies: Geometrical artifacts in count data scaling’ Paper presented at American Political Science Association meeting 2022.
W. Lowe ‘Unfaithful selectors: The disadvantages and advantages of unfaithfulness for causal inference’ Paper presented at European Political Science Association 2022.
W. Lowe. Putting it all on the line: Some unified theory for text scaling (formerly ‘Scaling things we can count’ and ‘There’s (basically) only one way to do: Some unifying theory for text scaling models’). Paper prepared for the American Political Science Association meeting September 2013, Chicago, and endlessly revised.
W. Lowe. Measurement Models for Event Data. Paper prepared for the European Political Science Association meeting June 2013, Barcelona.
Journal Articles
N. Baerg, D. Duell, and W. Lowe. Central bank communication as public opinion: Experimental evidence. Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy (cond. accepted)
M. Jugl, W. A. M. Pagel, M. C. Garcia Jimenez, J. P. Salendres, W. Lowe, H. Malikova, and J. J. Bryson (2024) Spamming the regulator: exploring a new lobbying strategy in EU competition procedures. Journal of Antitrust Enforcement 12(1) 7-28.
S. Munzert, S. Ramirez-Ruiz, B. Çalı, L. F. Stoetzer, A. R. Gohdes, and W. Lowe (2023) Prioritization preferences for COVID-19 vaccination are consistent across five countries. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9(439)
L. F. Stoetzer, S. Munzert, W. Lowe, B. Çalı, A. R. Gohdes, M. Helbling, R. Maxwell, and R. Traunmüller (2023) Affective partisan polarization and moral dilemmas during the COVID-19 pandemic. Political Science and Research Methods. 11(2): 429–36
S. Munzert, P. Selb, A. Gohdes, L. F. Stoetzer, and W. Lowe (2021). Tracking and promoting the usage of a COVID-19 contact tracing app. Nature Human Behavior (5): 247–255
D. Knox, W. Lowe and J. Mummolo (2020) Administrative records mask racially biased policing. American Political Science Review 114(3) 619-637. → preprint
N. Baerg and W. Lowe (2020) A textual Taylor Rule: Estimating central bank preferences combining topic and scaling methods. Political Science and Research Methods 8(1): 106-122
S.-O. Proksch, W. Lowe, J. Wäckerle and S. Soroka (2019) Multilingual sentiment analysis: A new approach to measuring conflict in parliamentary speeches. Legislative Studies Quarterly 44(1): 97-131.
Y. Theocharis and W. Lowe (2016) Does Facebook increase political participation? Evidence from a field experiment. Information, Communication and Society 19(10): 1465-1486.
J.-H. Meyer-Sahling, W. Lowe, and C. van Stolk (2016) Silent professionalization: EU integration and the professional socialization of public officials in Central and Eastern Europe. European Union Politics. 17(1): 162-183 → data.
Y. Theocharis, W. Lowe, J. W. van Deth, and G. M. García-Albacete. (2015) Using Twitter to mobilise protest action: Transnational online mobilisation patterns and action repertoires in the Occupy Wall Street, Indignados and Aganaktismenoi movements. Information, Communication and Society. 18(2): 202-220 → preprint
W. Lowe and K. R. Benoit (2013) Validating estimates of latent traits from textual data using human judgment as a benchmark. Political Analysis. 21(3): 298-313 → data, video from NCRM (if you like that kind of thing).
S. C. Carey, N. J. Mitchell, W. Lowe (2013) States, the security sector, and the monopoly on violence: A new database on pro-government militias. Journal of Peace Research 50(2): 249-258 → preprint
K. Benoit, M. Laver, W. Lowe, and S. Mikhaylov (2012) How to scale coded text units without bias: A response to Gemenis. Electoral Studies 31(3): 605-608.
W. Lowe, K. Benoit, S. Mikhaylov, and M. Laver (2011) Scaling policy positions from coded units of political texts. Legislative Studies Quarterly 36(1): 123-155. → data
J. Sullivan and W. Lowe (2010) Chen Shui-bian: On independence. China Quarterly 203: 619-638.
W. Lowe (2008) Understanding Wordscores. Political Analysis 16(4): 356-371. → data
E. Jenne, S. Saideman, W. Lowe (2007) Separatism as a bargaining posture: The role of leverage in minority radicalization. Journal of Peace Research 44(5): 537-556. → data
W. Lowe (2004) Content analysis and its place in the (methodological) scheme of things. Qualitative Methods 2(1): 25-27.
G. King and W. Lowe (2003) An automated information extraction tool for international conflict data with performance as good as human coders: A rare events evaluation design’. International Organization 57: 617-642. → data
J. Bryson and W. Lowe (1997) Commentary on D. Ballard, M. M. Hayhoe, P. K. Pook and R. P. N. Rao, Deictic codes for the embodiment of cognition. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20:743-744.
Edited Collections
J. Bullinaria and W. Lowe, editors (2002) Connectionist Models of Cognition and Perception, World Scientific
Book Chapters
O. Bekou, W. Lowe, and D. Birkett (2016). Fostering cooperation through technology-driven tools. In O. Bekou & D. Birkett (Eds.), Cooperation and the International Criminal Court (pp. 396–416). Brill.
J.-H. Meyer-Sahling, W. Lowe, C. van Stolk (2012) Attitudes of public officials towards models of bureaucracy in Central and Eastern Europe. In Executive Politics in Times of Crisis, M. Lodge and K. Wegrich (Eds.), Palgrave Macmillan. pp.99-117.
W. Lowe (2010) Identifying your accompanist in Close Engagements with Artificial Companions, Y. Wilks (Ed.), Benjamins. pp.95-99
W. Lowe (2006) New methods for conflict data in Programming for Peace: Computer-Aided Methods for International Conflict Resolution and Prevention, R. Trappl (Ed.) Springer pp.321-334
W. Lowe (2003) Uncertainty and Sentence completion test in M. S. Lewis-Beck, A. Bryman and T. F. Liao (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Research Methods in the Social Sciences, Sage.
W. Lowe (2003) Rare events research. Encyclopedia of Social Measurement, Elsevier.
Conference Papers
You know – actually archival mostly Computer Science papers. Not those unreviewed “send us an abstract and we’ll decide” things the social sciences seem to like.
N. R. Baerg, W. Lowe, S. Ponzetto, H. Stuckenschmidt, and C. Zirn. (2014). Estimating central bank preferences. Paper presented at Workshop on Language Technologies and Computational Social Science, ACL 2014, Baltimore, Maryland.
W. Lowe, O. Bekou, and E. Hunter (2008) ‘Markup and metadata in international criminal law’. eSocial Science Conference, Manchester.
J. Dowdall, W. Lowe, J. Ellman, F. Rinaldi and M. Hess (2004) The role of multiword terminology in knowledge management. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation.
W. Lowe and G. King (2003) Some statistical methods for evaluating information extraction systems. In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference of the European Association for Computational Linguistics pp.19-26.
W. Lowe (2001) Towards a theory of semantic space. In J. D. Moore and K. Stenning (Eds.) Proceedings of the Twenty-first Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society LEA pp.576-581
J. Bryson, W. Lowe and L. A. Stein (2000) Hypothesis testing for complex agents. In A. M. Meystel and E. R. Messina (Eds.) Proceedings of NIST Workshop on Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 970. pp.233-240.
W. Lowe (2000) What is the dimensionality of human semantic space? In R. M. French and J. P. Sougné (Eds.) Proceedings of the 6th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop Springer pp.303-311.
W. Lowe and S. McDonald (2000) The direct route: Mediated priming in semantic space. In L. R. Gleitman and J. K. Joshi (Eds.) Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society LEA pp.806-811. (Technical Report)
S. McDonald and W. Lowe (1998) Modelling functional priming and the Associative boost. In M. A. Gernsbacher and S. J. Derry (Eds.) Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society LEA pp.675-680
W. Lowe (1997) Meaning and the mental lexicon. In M. E. Pollack (Ed.) Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufmann pp.1092-1097. (7Mb and bitmapped, sorry)
W. Lowe (1997) Semantic representation and priming in a self-organizing lexicon. In J. A. Bullinaria, G. Houghton and D. W. Glasspool (Eds.) Proceedings of the 4th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop Springer pp.227-239
ERROR. (2025). Error review of Hehman et al. (2018) Version 1. (I did the analysis but the bug bounty folk wrote it up and issued the recommendation)
W. Lowe (2003) Content Analysis Software: A Review Technical Report for the Identity Project, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University.
R. C. Shillcock, S. McDonald, P. Hipwell and W. Lowe (1998) Distinctiveness of spoken word context predicts lexical decision time. Centre for Cognitive Science Research Paper EUCCS-RP-1998-4
Back in the mists of time
If you think word embeddings and neural networks are new and cool, here’s thesis about them from back when bootcut jeans were a thing:
W. Lowe (2001) Topographic Maps of Semantic Space PhD Thesis, Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation, Division of Informatics, University of Edinburgh.