

Let’s start with some R Packages. There are more on my GitHub pages.


twfy is a light wrapper around TheyWorkForYou‘s API. You can find it here:


cbn contains replication materials for Caliskan, Bryson and Narayanan (2017), adds some new bootstrap statistics, and allows you to do similar analysis on your own word vectors. You can find it here:


qss.student bundles the problem sets from Imai, K. (2016) A First Course in Quantitative Social Science. It is designed for your students to install if you are teaching with this book. You can find it here:


events is for manipulating event data of the kind generated by KEDS/Tabari. Go to the events on CRAN.

Update 2020: These days you can do most of this just as easily with a combination of dplyr and tidyr.


austin is an R package for doing things with words. Right now it allows you to scale texts in the style of Wordscores and Wordfish. Go to the austin homepage.

Update 2020: don’t forget to check out quanteda, which integrated a lot of this code.


Resha is an R package re-implementing Harun Reşit Zafer’s stemming tool for Turkish. He says it’s “less aggressive than Snowball”. You can find it here:


Now for some Java applications that I haven’t worked on for a looong time. As far as I can tell they all still work though. You probably came looking for the Yoshikoder. It’s right here:


Yoshikoder is a cross-platform multilingual content analysis program. Go to the Yoshikoder homepage.


JFreq counts words, quickly. If you have a lot of documents that need to be preprocessed and turned into a word frequency matrix in a hurry without filling up your disk, this might be the software for you. Go to the JFreq homepage.


The YKConverter is a utility that tries to extract the text from documents in various formats (HTML, Word, PDF, Powerpoint, Excel, encoded text) and save it as UTF-8 encoded plain text. Go to the YKConverter homepage.


The Re-encoder takes a folder full of text files in one file encoding and switches them into another one. It needs a better name. Go to the Re-encoder homepage.


There’s also this ancient python tutorial, slightly updated so it runs on Python 3. It’s older code, but it checks out.

Content Analysis in Python

A brief demonstration of how easy it is to do basic content analysis in python. Not really software but not really a tutorial either. Perhaps it will be useful or inspiring to someone.

Third Party Software


VBPro is Mark Miller’s classic free content analysis software. I am simply hosting the latest version and cannot answer questions about it. Please address questions to Mark:

Download (for Windows only).